David Blyweiss, M.D.

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Now You Can Turbo Boost The Healing Process With This 'Miracle Molecule'!

One of the most important things we can do for our overall health, especially if you are struggling with arthritis, is to improve the circulation to every cell and organ in your body. By improving your circulation, the body’s natural healing processes are super-charged as life-giving nutrients flood into every cell.

This is exactly why I created Nitrinol!

Nitrinol does this by activating nitric oxide, a ‘Miracle Molecule‘ in your arteries that helps end most old-age ailments we all start to experience.

When your body is producing enough nitric oxide, it helps to:

  • Boost the circulation of every cell and organ in your body, flooding it with nutrient-rich blood and oxygen

  • Activate your body's ‘youth‘ enzyme

  • Open your arteries and keep them elastic

  • Give you better blood flow for healthy blood pressure

  • Supercharge your mind and memory

  • Skyrocket your energy and muscular strength

  • Power up your heart

  • Re-ignite your love life and sexual pleasures

But there is one BIG problem!

Millions of people age 50 or older are deficient in nitric oxide!

Circulation Journal warns that by the time you hit age 70-80, you’ll likely have 75% LESS nitric oxide in your circulatory system than young, healthy 20-year olds!

Up until recently, there were two main ways to raise nitric oxide levels.

One is through regular, vigorous exercise.

The other way to raise nitric oxide is by eating lots of foods rich in natural nitrates, which are then converted to nitric oxide. Foods like beets and dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, Swiss chard and arugula. And this is why eating “greens” is so important for your health.

But most people don’t get enough exercise or green foods-and you may not be getting enough either-so your nitric oxide levels may fall to dangerously low levels.

Now, for the first tim...it’s possible to get the correct levels of nitric oxide easily! With my new, patented breakthrough natural formula that boosts your nitric oxide levels easily …without depending on regular exercise or eating the perfect diet.

It’s called Nitrinol™, and nothing I’ve found is more powerful at raising nitric oxide levels in your body. And when you do that, you’ll create your own health miracle.

“I have had problems with my knees and when I take Nitrinol I have less of a problem. I noticed a difference in my energy levels and walking speed.” – Edgar B.

‘Thank you. Nitrinol has improved my blood pressure, given me better circulation and more energy.‘-Sathit K., Bangkok, Thailand

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